Heidi Hicks (Broschinsky) / Хайди Хикс (Брошинский)
I talk about my Russia experience all the time and it has been long enough that you think it would fade away. I think one of the things I love talking about the most is my relationship with Galina Shirinskaya. It is such an amazing thing to me to know of her personal history and the relationships she has made throughout her life. I felt so privileged to be able to play with her and know that music was enough to communicate. Her daughter, Genya was there to translate, but we didn't need her that often since we were able to speak through music.
I also love to talk about the Russian people and how warm and welcoming they are. I was very impressed with their willingness to attend our concerts and was touched by their enthusiasm. I plan to return to Russia to rekindle some of these friendships when I am able. My experiences in Russia have truly enriched my life. The Educational Bridge Project is an amazing opportunity for musicians such as myself to travel to a place I would normally not have the opportunity to, and to work with incredible Russian musicians. It was amazing to see the way we were able to communicate through music despite a language barrier. To be educated by being in a different part of the world by musicians who have astounding histories and backgrounds is something I have truly benefited from. I sincerely hope that this program is available for many years to come so that students of mine might have the same opportunity. It would be a tragedy not to enable others to have the same experiences for education and growth.
Хотя прошло уже много времени, я постоянно всем рассказываю о поездке в Россию. Больше всего я любою рассказывать о Галине Ширинской. История ее жизни меня поразила. Для меня было честью играть вместе с ней и сознавать, что нам достаточно музыки, чтобы понимать друг друга. Её дочь Женя была нашим переводчиком, но мы почти не нуждались в её помощи. |
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