Galina Kopytova, Chief Librarian of the Scientific Library of the Russian Institute of the Arts History Галина Копытова 18 мая, 2015 г.
Дорогая Люда,
Поздравляю Вас и Ваших коллег с превосходным началом петербургской части XXVII фестиваля! Концерт вызвал искренний интерес. Лично мне особенно понравились Пять пьес для фортепиано Тони Шеммера в исполнении Алексея Вяхирева. Передайте им, пожалуйста, от меня особую благодарность. Признаюсь, что и остальные исполнители оставили не менее яркое впечатление.
Желаю, чтобы все Ваши мероприятия в СПб прошли с таким же успехом!
До связи! Галина
Han Nah Son
Han Nah Son May 4, 2015
Dear Dr. Leibman,
Hello, this is Hannah. How do you do?
I am finally finishing up my last requirement for the DMA.
I don't know how much I am grateful to you and Educational Bridge Project for making this happen: travel to St. Petersburg, meeting in person with Slonimsky, Prof. Nesterova and Kruglik and Prof. Tanonov. I will surely write letter and send gifts to them after everything is done.
I will have the video recording and I will share it with you afterwards.
I wish you have wonderful trip to Russia and I hope to talk to you soon when you come back.
Thank you so much.
Sincerely, Han Nah Son P.S. I am attaching the poster.
Post Shostakovich Composers: Sergei Slonimsky and Boris Tishchenko May 7, 2015, 2 pm at Boston University
Seza Kaya
October 23, 2014
Dear Professor Leibman,
It was wonderful seeing you on Tuesday and I have enjoyed the concert so much! The performers were outstanding, and the pieces that were performed touched me immensely. Just to share with you, during the performance of Schumann Piano Quintet and Shostakovich's Piano Trio I had the sense that Schumann and Shostakovich could be right there in the hall with us, and I had goosebumps, listening to the Brahms and Slonimsky pieces. It is wonderful that you are organizing this amazing festival.
All the best,
Matti Kovler
October 21, 2014
Dear Ludmilla
He (Arsenii Gusev) is not only very talented, but humble boy. The caliber of the musicians you bring to the festival from Russia is simply outstanding.
He (Arsenii Gusev) is not only very talented, but humble boy. The caliber of the musicians you bring to the festival from Russia is simply outstanding.